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Tableau Comparison with Calculated Field

At the very onset, this Tableau report is based on a Calculated field. After Left joining Orders table to Returns table on Order ID, only those orders that were returned were marked accordingly and the rest were left as 'Sales Retained' 

Above calculated field is used on the color pill to render Viz in the example below. The published report starts with a 
1. Summary viz with the Returned Sales $ are calculated as a percentage of the Sales $ on that day and plotted over time series. Once can infer that Q1 of both 2012 and 2013, majority of the retail transactions have been Returns
2. Area chart on the top left plots running total of the Returned Sales $ as a percentage of total Sales (for the entire data set). This viz is particularly useful is concluding that there is a considerable surge in returns on the last week of March 2014. Also some comfort from the fact that Returned Sales $ is merely 8% of Total Sales
3. The Correlations bubble chart plots the Sales $ over Profit Ratio, Total Discount $ and Unit Price split by retail Regions, for both Retained and Returned Sales colored and shaped differently at the Order ID granularity (i.e. each circular mark on this Viz is a unique Order ID for a given retail Region). This Viz reacts to the end users Quick Filter choice of the Year. This viz is suited to call out data outliers. In this example, there is a major Return in 2014 for West region and a major Retained Sale in 2013 for South region. Upon selecting One/Multiple Region in this Viz, the dashboard action filter gets fired and renders
4. Metrics Trend viz for Profit Ratio, Discount $ and Sales line graph colored by Returned and Retained Sales. Multiple Region selection from Viz above (point # 3) would enable end user to visually compare volume of trade between Regions by looking at this metrics trend viz and its density

The interactive report has been published to Tableau Public and also embedded here:


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